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Seminars and Presentations

Nutritionist, Naturopath and Chiropractor, Dr Damian Kristof is a highly sought after presenter and speaker in the Wellness industry. With over 20 years of experience, Damian’s in-depth knowledge of the body, nervous system food functions and responses coupled with his friendly and dynamic presenting style, has him in high demand. Focusing on food as key to unlocking optimal health and wellness, Damian presents in-depth facts and concepts that have never before been readily available to the public - offering all audiences from industry experts to the general public highly valuable content as he engages, educates and inspires audiences across the globe.

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The Power of Food

The Power of Food is Damian’s original and most highly sought after keynote presentation. Having presented this for more than a decade, audiences both young and old are mesmerised and engrossed in this presentation as Damian’s wealth of knowledge is shared in a relaxed and comfortable manner. This keynote or workshop can be tailored for presentations from 60mins to 3hour and 5hour workshops. The Power Of Food is an educational, entertaining and often humorous look at food and our lifestyles. It addresses where we have come from with nutrition information, sorts out fads and fiction and explores what happens in our body and what we can do about it.

This seminar and event is suited to health and lifestyle groups, school groups, sporting clubs, executives and corporate environments. Having presented this event for Daimler Chrysler, Ford, KPMG, Vodafone, ACLA, Bombardier, countless number of schools and for many hundreds of other groups, this talk is a great addition to any health event.

I have been lucky enough to hear Damian speak both professionally and to large groups of Chiropractic clients. His ability to build rapport with any audience is truly amazing. Damian’s presentation style is both engaging and informative. He presents content in a lighthearted way and balances his humour with wisdom and professionalism. His message is truly inspiring and helps create change within a group or community. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr Damian Kristof as a wellness expert and speaker.

Dr Adrian Couzner

Director and Principal Chiropractor, Chirosports (Sydney City, NSW)

Thanks Damian for a really engaging and entertaining presentation on food.  The guys all really enjoyed it so much they are looking forward to having you back again for your presentation on Stress.

Lloyd Shotton

Director, The Shotton Group

Have you ever wondered what your body is telling you and how stress is affecting your Genes? Crack Your Stress Code explores the very real effects of stress on your body, reveals the stages of stress you have moved through and where you are in your own stress cycle. It investigates and enlightens the many different effects of stress and how these can be countered.

This presentation is suited to advanced health groups and those interested in stress management and practical solutions to the effects of stress due to executive and corporate lifestyles. Presentation span 60-90mins.

There's nothing worse than a health professional stuck in the science of everything they know. Damian Kristof is one of those rare human beings who is able to communicate the complexities of health and human potential in a manner that anybody can understand.

Marcus Pearce

Director, Exceptional Life Blueprint

Please get in touch if you're interested in having Damian present at your next event or corporate training day. Pricing and packages available on request.

For more information email info@damiankristof.com or call +61 (03) 9598 7811

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